What Happened This Weekend

Lately the weekends seem to go by in a blur. So, I am determined to be better about documenting them here. That way when I get around to actually scrapbooking the photos, I wont have to try and remember everything that happened.

It was really nice and mild out so I wore a sweater and jeans with my Ugg boots. I love not having to wear a coat.

Saturday started out with getting McDonald's breakfast for the boy before he has to go to his SAT tutoring session.

After the tutor, just he and I went to lunch at Chop't. He had the Mexican Caesar Salad and I had the Chicken Tinga. It was so good. Oh, and I love Fresca. Not a lot of places carry it, so when I see it, I have to have it.

Starbucks is right next door so we popped in for a couple of lattes. I tried the Tiramisu latte for the first time It was really good. I always get a kick out of those photos that people post where Starbucks butchers their names. Well, I am now one of them. The funny thing is that the same guy wrote it on both cups?!

I hit up Target for some necessities and then we headed home.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing watching Spring Training Baseball!!!!

I managed to oversleep on Sunday and missed church I woke up at 9:19 and church starts at 9:30?! The time change really throws me for a loop. I love it being lighter out later but it takes me a week to get used to it.

I did laundry all morning and I'm still not caught up.

A quick trip to Taco Bell for lunch and then BJ's for some things. I have a love/hate relationship with warehouse stores. I go in for a couple of things and wham $131.00 later.

It was finally nice enough to actually take the dog on a walk. She was so excited!! I love her in her little coat.

The hubby grilled dinner (boneless pork roast) and then it was off to read before having to start the busy school/work week.

I hope you all had a great weekend!!!


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