Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday!

I have been going thru my summer photos and I came across this cool shot of my DD in her bright pink shirt in front of the M in MMOCA...Miami Museum of Contemporary Art.

And another on a floor of records...

And this is a shot of the family in front of La Carretta cuban restaurant in Little Havana. I rooster smoking a cigar. Gotta love it. :)

This turned into a where in the world is the little girl in the pink tank top post but it was fun to relive those summer vacation memories again.

I hope you have a Pinkalicious Saturday!


Virginia said…
Wonderful photos, great memories and very nice looking family.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Blessings, Virginia
Anonymous said…
Happy Pink Saturday, Ramona.

I love your pink pictures. Cuban food is my favorite. It is one of the things I miss most since moving away from South Florida. I worked in Miami, and have shopped and eaten in restaurants in Little Havana many times.
Grandma Faith said…
Keep up the pinkness!
Anonymous said…
Hi! Loved your "where is the little girl in the pink shirt" post! What cute photo you got of her and your family. Love the rooster with the cigar! Hope your PSat is a great one! dana
Katie said…
Rooster with a cigar, how funny! We have an real rooster, I should see if he'd like to pose with one!

Happy Pink Saturday!
Cute....The cigar smoking rooster is the best~How was the food?
Glennis said…
Love the photos! Looks like your family is having a great time. I love the floor of records and the big M.

I love Cuban food!
Hi Mo,
Now I think your are the third Mo. There is another Mo from Life at Rose Cottage and you and myself....great your pink post today....
Mo :-)
Such fun photos!
Anonymous said…
I love that pic by the M! CUTE FAMILY!
Happy pink!
SmilingSally said…
Hey, you visited my neck of the woods! Happy Pink Saturday!
Betty said…
Cute pictures. What a little sweetie in her pink shirt! Happy Pink Saturday!
Anne Fannie said…
Hello Ramona,
Great photos of a very sweet family!
Happy Pink Saturday,
Love, Ann
Anonymous said…
Oh, these are wonderful photos. Happy Pink Saturday.
Susan Hickam said…
that looks like a really fun outing!love museums!
Unknown said…
Happy Pink Saturday, your little girl looks so cute next to that giant "M". Have a great day. Karen
KatCollects said…
Love thos precious family memories we make. Happy Pink Weekend!
Sue Thomas said…
Total pink cuteness, Ramona!

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