
Saw this on Lisa Bearnson's blog. You dedicate an entire post around the word still. Let's see if I can do it...

Still getting up at the unGodly hour of 5:15 to hit the gym and secretly becoming addicted.

Still wishing it was warmer outside!

Still would move to Florida in a hearbeat. :)

Still enjoying spring break with the kiddos.

Still could eat pasta everyday. ;)

Still addicted to shoes and purses. :O

Still hate to fold the laundry! ARGH! Can you pay someone to do that for you?

Still get excited about Easter festivities. :)

Still cannot stand my purple-ish mudroom and cannot wait to get it painted a lovely light blue. :D

Still need to take a shower this morning. ;)

Still excited about going to museums with the kiddos. :D

Still love watching Jon & Kate + 8. :)

Still continuing to blog even tho nobody is reading. LOL!!



Kayla said…
I read!
Yankee said…
I read!
Danette said…
I'm reading!
Suzelle said…
I read it too :)
Jill said…
That was a cute post....loved hearing your list. And just for the record, I still love reading your blog :) xox
Jennifer said…
I read! Just not as often as I would like. :) Great list!
Sue Thomas said…
I'm reading too! Fun post, Ramona!
i read, too!
this was fun to read.
Tracy said…
I read it too...I was just gone for more than a week!

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