Kickin' It

As part of a Try It, Natalie and a few of her fellow Brownies took part in a TKD demonstration. To say that she was in her element is an understatement. She loved it and we found out that she is equally as strong with her left foot as with her right. So, now she wants to take TKD lessons. I feel bad for her brother. LOL!!!

Here's a shot of the girls in the troop that attended the event. :)

Learning a proper stance.

Getting ready to attack! LOL!

Breaking the board on her first try. I need to get a photo of her holding the two pieces!!


Yankee said…
You go, girl! Gotta love the ladies in TKD. Bring her up here to train with us!
Suzelle said…
Go Natty !!!!!
Jill said…
Girl Power!!!!
Anonymous said…
Very cool! I think Emy would love something like that . . . but she already kicks the boys' butts as it is, so it might not be a great idea. LOL
Tracy said…
Can't wait to see Natty with her black belt!! Let me tell you, when someone finds out your daughters have black belts, the expressions are priceless!! haha!
Anonymous said…
Go Natty! You should totally have her take TKD.
Anonymous said…
Fun! She'll be able to go horseback riding in the wild and fight off anyone who might try to attack her!
Anonymous said…
How cool. I guess you never know what your kids are going to like until they try.

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