Rule #6

Don't take yourself so goddamn seriously!

I have a problem with patience. Mainly, I don't have any. And it is a sore point with me. I want it! I crave it! However, a friend of mine told me never to pray for patience because God will test you. LOL! So what am I supposed to do?

About a year ago I bought the Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I read a few chapters and, as with all other self help books, never picked it up again. That was until a couple of weeks ago. Now I cannot put it down.

He has this chapter on leading a tranquil, stress-free life that speaks volumes to me. In it he discusses Rule #6. In one scenario I would have bet the farm that he was talking just about me. Ya know, when you are on line and the person in front of you is taking forever to find the exact change and you want to scream or just pay for her order so that it can be your turn?

I realized that by feeling that way I think I am more important than her or that my time is more valuable than hers. And that produces stress. So he suggests that whenever you are in this type of stress-inducing situation, repeat Rule #6...Ramona, don't take yourself so goddamn seriously. I LOVE it!!!!!

Remember this rule and repeat it every time you encounter stress, pressure or anxiety in your life. Here's to taking ourselves less seriously!



Anonymous said…
I LOVE this !!!! I am so there with ya. You know I never thought about it that time more important than theirs. As hard as it is to not want to scream....hurry up...he is so right. Thanks Mo !!!
Anonymous said…
I'll have to check out that book...sounds like a winner! :-)
mo---your post made me LOL! I, too, am just dying every time I have to stand in line behind someone that's poking along!! I have no patience --but after one of my houses took almost a year to sell, I know to be more specific in my prayers =) haha!
Just Me said…
my mother tells me that i'm lazy because i don't stress about anything...and i just tell her that at least i won't die of a stress related heart attack...

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Susan said…
Im the same way Ramona!!! Im so impatient. I always try to pretend the person in front of me is my Mother and how I would want someone to be patient with her. LOL it doesn't always work cause my Mom drives me crazy too!!!! LOL

Oh BTW, you've been tagged. Check my Blog :-)
that's great advice!!! :) Good for you!

Anonymous said…
See Ramona there is an inherent flaw in Rule #6. It is assuming you will answer no to the question about your time being more important. Now I on the other hand would have answered yes to that question and proceeded to tell the slow poke in front of me about the joys of the 21st century, namely debit cards. On a side note, I have always noticed that it is really old people who are taking their sweet time to pay with exact change. Now don't you think that if you were that close to the end of your own time you would be rushing around just to cram as much stuff in as possible and not waste you valuable moments standing in line counting pennies and pocket lint?
Anonymous said…
I am very impatient also!! LOL. Not so good for raising kids =) I will try this advice and get back to ya! LOl....

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