I will be Grateful

It is so easy to take for granted
all the good things in life when
so much is filled with day to day busy-ness.
We need to stop and be thankful.

For me to be more positive,
I need to think more positively.
Writing down all that's good
in my life will help me.
I am sure of that!

So, I started a Gratitude Journal
and I got some lovely ladies over
at DML to join me. You can too.
We just started so it's not too late.
Every other day, I post a prompt, hopefully,
helping us become more grateful in our lives.
Come check it out in the Challenge section
at www.downmemorylaneco.com

This is my front and inside cover....


Anonymous said…
Love it MO!!!
Cindy B.
Reen said…
I love this project Mo. I can't even begin to tell you how much strength I've gained by taking on this journey. I'm so glad that I have. I find myself in a very "thankful" state each day, thinking about what I want to hold up next and be thankful for. I just feel like I can move onto the next chapter of my life, by pausing and being thankful for the here and now...for what's been.

Thanks for all the prompts, for all the quotes...for being you, for sharing this journey with me.

I'm pouring myself, my everything into this and I love it!
Kristi Mangan said…
Ooooh, I sooo need to do this as well... I need to get my booty over to DML to check out the challenges... What a fabulous idea!
Anonymous said…
Hey, Mo! Thanks for starting this journal for us. You get me going on these projects!!!

Yours is looking great, my friend!

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