Perfect Attendance

They didn't miss one day of school! Not one day!! I am so proud of them! I never got a perfect attendance award in all my years of schooling and believe me that's a lot of years. LOL!

So, I had to take pictures of them with their certificates!!! Here ya go...

Dyl Pickles...

Natty showing off her sassy new cut...


Susan said…
Wow!!! Perfect attendence!
how cool.
Love Natties hair-do! Sassy suits her ;-)
Anonymous said…
That is quite an accomplishment! Congrats to both of them. The h/c is adorable too!!
Suzelle said…
Cool Beans !!!!! Love Natty's haricut :)

You know what did Claire !!!!!! It is definately her most proud accomplishment of 4th grade.
Jill said…
Now THAT is impressive. Not only the fact that one made it through the year...but two!!!!! Cute pictures. Natty looks adorable!
Anonymous said…
I love Nat's new do! She looks so mature. Congrats on the awards. I'm in awe. :)
Tracy said…
Great job to your cutie kiddos!

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