Friday Five

1. Did you get an allowance as a kid, and if so, how much was it? Nope, didn't need it.
2. How old were you when you had your first job, and what was it? I was 15. I was the take out counter girl at the local diner.
3. Which do you do better: save money or spend money? Ha! Spend it fo sho!
4. Are people more likely to borrow money from you, or are you more likely to borrow from them? I'm thee borrower. :( I remember when I was working as an attorney we used to get paid every two weeks. I could not budget my money to get me through to the next paycheck...ever! So, by Thursday of pay week, I would have to borrow money from my secretary, Janet, to eat lunch and then pay her back on Friday. So pathetic.
5. What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? My house.


Anonymous said…
Oh gosh, my first job after babysitting was cleaning the hair salon that my best friend owned. I got paid $10 every Sunday. I hated it!!!
Reen said…
Did you get an allowance as a kid, and if so, how much was it? Never!

2. How old were you when you had your first job, and what was it? I was 14 (totally lied about my age, thankful for big boobs at the time as I could totally pass for 16! ha!)

I worked at a local burger joint; cooking, cleaning, taking orders, counting cash...everything!

3. Which do you do better: save money or spend money? I'm a spender!

4. Are people more likely to borrow money from you, or are you more likely to borrow from them? I have borrowed money, but I'm horrible at paying people back, so i never borrow anymore. I don't do loans either, just because I know that people will never pay me back either :)

5. What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? Besides my college education, I'd have to say my bedroom furniture and my first car.
Leslie Herbert said…
My first job was delivering newspapers at 5am every morning in highschool in my vw bug! I was saving up to get married, how dumb! LOL
LOVE Natty's new desk! lucky girl!
Anonymous said…
1. Did you get an allowance as a kid, and if so, how much was it? I wish!

2. How old were you when you had your first job, and what was it? I worked at a movie theatre. It was awesome because I could see all of the movies that were out for free. That sort of subsidized the pitiful $3.35/hour I was making.

3. Which do you do better: save money or spend money? Are there really people who are better at saving than spending? LOL.

4. Are people more likely to borrow money from you, or are you more likely to borrow from them? Neither. I am my own charity but I rarely ask for help.

5. What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? My house.

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