Father's Day Card Idea

This handsome, handmade card offers a charming and personalized way to show Dad how much you care. What's more, you can customize the basic technique to create a buttoned-down look, a jacket with lapels, or even a pocket and handkerchief.

Tools and Materials
8 1/2-by-11-inch sheet of card stock
Bone folder
1/8-inch hole punch
Snap eyelets
Universal eyelet setter
Small hammer
Piece of fabric (at least 12 by 9 1/4 inches)
Sobo glue

Button-Down Father's Day Card How-To
1. To make the card and collar, lay the piece of card stock horizontally. Mark and score the card 2 7/8 inches from each side. Mark a spot 1/2 inch outward from the fold on each side of the card stock. Starting at the top corner of one side of the card stock, mark a point two inches down. Score a diagonal line connecting the two marks. Repeat for other side. Fold the two sides inward and the corners outward.

2. To create the tag, cut a strip of card stock measuring 3 inches by 1/2 inch, and write the message (e.g., "Happy Father's Day"). Using the 1/8-inch hole punch, make a hole centered at each end of the tag. Place the tag on the inside center face of the card. Center the tag at the top, and lightly mark where the holes are. Using the same punch, make two holes just inside of these marks. (This will allow the tag to bow when it's attached.

3. Attach the snaps: Place the cylinder end, or smaller end, of the snap through the top of the tag and then through the corresponding hole in the card so that the message reads correctly. Flip the card over, carefully holding the snap in place, and lay it flat on a sturdy surface. Using the eyelet setter and the hammer, split the back of the snap until it's secure. Repeat for the other hole.

4. To make the sweater: Using a scrap piece of cardboard cut to the same size as the card, line the top with the length edge of the fabric, and wrap the fabric around the card. Using Sobo Glue, secure the vertical seam, and weight it down for a minute or two to dry.

5. Close the bottom: Fold the corners at the bottom, as if you were wrapping a gift. Tuck the seam side inside over the card; this will create a flap. Using a little more Sobo, glue the flap down. Let dry for a minute.

6. To create the shirt front, using fabric scissors, make a 3-inch cut on the front of the card from the top down the center. If you want a buttoned-down look, just sew on a couple of small buttons at each corner. If you want more of a jacket look, you can create lapels by cutting and ironing the corners; or, you can add a pocket and a handkerchief.

7. For the inside of the card, you can either line it with a different color piece of paper or write on it directly. Once you're done, simply slip the shirt card inside the sweater so that the collars match up.


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