Goodbye Mrs. Van Wart

Dylan's fourth grade teacher is retiring. This is her last year. She has been teaching 30 years. And she is still so young. Wow! SIS is losing a a fabulous teacher. She truly is remarkable. She fostered a love for history in Dylan that I never knew was there. She has a kindness about her that is very hard to come by these days. I had the honor of serving as her class parent and got to know her really well. I tried to convince her to stay just a couple of more years so she can get Natty but it didn't work. ;) My only consolation is that she is local and we will hopefully see her around town. We are even members of the same health club so if I actually went I just might see her. LOL!

So, yesterday we had a party for her complete with cake and breakfast, flowers and presents. She said this was an awesome class and an awesome year. I guess that's the way to go out, huh?

Happily posing with her Happy Retirement cake. :)

Look how shy he looks about taking a photo with his teacher. I just love it. I absolutely do. ;)


Suzelle said…
sweet :)
Anonymous said…
Wow! She IS young!!! Isn't it awesome when you have a teacher like that? They really can make a difference.
Jill said…
What a sweet pic of Dylan and his teacher. He was lucky to have had her :)

It's been fun catching up on your blog....I've been lazy lately. Love the pics from Natty's bd party. Such special memories!

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