More Autographs

And, here's a shot of him with his signed Ryan Church ball. We went to the sports card store right after camp to get UV protected glass cases to house these babies. He has them displayed on his shelf right next to his bobble heads. TOO CUTE!

While we were at the card store, we also got MLB Showdown. He's been wanting it for a little bit now. It's a baseball card game that with the roll of a die you can simulate a game. I just played 9 innings with him and he beat me 5-3. FUN!


April said…
omg- he's got the most beautiful smile! it's nice to see people still care about making kids this happy!
Anonymous said…
What a great photo. He's looking more and more grown up everyday. What a fun mom you are to play with him. :)
Reen said…
You know he's going to break a lot hearts don't you? You know all the girls are gonna want to date that cute boy don't ya? He's just incredibly cute and sweet and looks so dang happy!! I just love him!

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