I love to organize!

I have been organizing my daughter's room forever and we are almost there...just a few odds and ends to finish up and Natty's room will be complete. I want to thank Karen for inspiring me to tackle this project! Thanks a bunch!!!!

All her dresses, bags, hats and belts all neat and color coordinated. As you can see my daughter has inherited my love of purses. :O

Some games, toys and sleeping bag, etc.

Baskets for video games, dolls and writing supplies. Oh, and a stool to reach her shelf. :)

Little basket organizer to hold some of her stuff. It sits nicely in the corner of her closet.

Her new desk. I let her accessorize it but I plan on "fixing" it up when she is at camp. LOL!

Pretty green curtains, sheers and pink rods from PB and white wood blinds...

Framed art to go over her dresser...


Suzelle said…
It's DARLING !!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
WOW MO! Lookn' good there!
I love her pink walls!
Anonymous said…
Love it!!! And I love her room, but I am requesting more photos, please. :) I can't wait to see her new print hung.
Anonymous said…
So cute and girly!!! And, so ORGANIZED!
janel said…
So cute...and loving the pink and green. Such fun!
Susan said…
fresh and girly!
Great job on the clean sweep Mo.
It looks fabulous
Anonymous said…
omgosh - this is rockin!! i can't wait to see the whole thing.

you won't believe this, but that print is fav'd on my art.com account. lol :)
Melodee said…
Looks awesome Mo! I love the corner desk and the green curtians are perfect!
Anonymous said…
Great job! I did that to Jennifer's room before school last year. It feels so good to have it done. Enjoy!
April said…
love the framed art- i'm starting to see more stuff like that in the stores too. and i love the boxes on the hutch. love how organized and pretty it all is.

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