Winding Down

This time of year is always so hectic with end of the year celebrations and field trips, etc.

Today was Natalie's Brownie Troop Family Dinner. It was to celebrate the great time the girls had this year as Brownies. We had it at our local Chinese Buffet.

The girls each contributed a page to the troop scrapbook. And, they made vases for us to take home. So cute!

And at the end of the dinner, each girl was presented with an award and a new pin. Natalie got the award for the 1st to always volunteer....that's my girl...always eager to try new things and have fun!


Anonymous said…
She's so cute! I love that dress she wore to the dinner. Congrats to Natty for being a great little Brownie.

Enjoy these last few days of school!

Libby Pritchett said…
Awww! Yay Natalie! Sounds like she's turning out to be a really great Girl Scout!
Anonymous said…
When I was in school, I always wanted to be in Girl Scouts! So glad she is enjoying it and doing well. She looks so proud!
Jill said…
she has the sweetest smile! Glad to hear how much she enjoys scouts. They learn so much!!!

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