Spring Cleaning

I love spring cleaning. I really do. I actually look forward to it. And much to my delight, my favorite organzing pro, Marcia Ramsland, sent thru an e mail with tons of valuable spring cleaning tips. I hope she inspires you as much as she does me. Enjoy!

What is Spring Cleaning?

Spring Cleaning is all about moving out the dust and cobwebs of winter to welcome sunshine and spring breezes to freshen your home inside. It is the process of transforming the dinginess of winter into the springtime feeling of a clean house. Whether you spend one day or one month at it, you can make an impact by jumping into spring cleaning purposefully.

Where Do I Begin?

The best way to begin is to work by “Priority Rooms,” those rooms that will make a positive visual and emotional impact on you. Pick a specific area and schedule one to three hours there. Post a large sign of declaration to stay on track. “Today I am Spring Cleaning the Family Room 9-11:30 a.m.!”

Follow these simple spring cleaning steps to maximize your effort. Pick one project a day (or weekend) such as:

#1. Bedroom – Create an “Oasis of Calm” to come home to each night.
· Wash sheets, blankets, and bedspread. Vacuum the mattress and under the bed. The room is now half clean.
· Complete the other half by working in sections: one dresser and nightstand at a time from top to bottom. Empty, wipe out, and reorganize the contents in each drawer.
· Arrange the dresser top with visually pleasing items.

#2. Closet – Picture waking up to an organized clothes closet!
· Empty, vacuum, and neatly return the floor items.
· Group hanging items by category and put unused items in a donation bag.
· Clear the shelves and put back only what you like and use. Hurrah – you’re finished again!

#3. Family Room and Living Room – Invite company for next weekend to motivate yourself into action!
· Begin clockwise by clearing off, dusting, and repositioning attractive items on flat surfaces such as countertops, coffee tables, and end tables. Keep your sights on getting all the way around the room. You’re one third finished.
· Put away piles of “stuff” stacked on the floor and then vacuum. Now you’re two-thirds of the way there.
· Focus on one shelf at a time. Again, clear everything off, dust, and lineup the videos, CD’s, and books. Give several away until they fit neatly. Whew – you’re finished!

#4. Garage or Basement – Visualize garage sale income and beautiful, uncluttered space.
· Begin in the center and move items into sections along the wall such as household tools, sports equipment, and recycle bins. Then vacuum or sweep the floor.
· Go back and fine-tune each section, donating and tossing as much as you can. Begin at the doorway and work clockwise around the walls.
· Place remaining storage items behind closed cabinets and labeled boxes. End with a trip to a charitable donation with bags full of giveaway items.

“Two Step” Spring Cleaning
If your time is limited and you can’t do all of the above, just do the two most important things. First, vacuum more thoroughly than usual, from the ceiling cobwebs down to the floor corners and behind the furniture. Second, wash the windows inside and out to capture the sunlight streaming into your home.


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