Kitchen Update

Thanks to trusty HomeGoods, I found exactly what I was looking for for the corner of my kitchen counter. I got the glass container on clearance for $12.00 each for a package of lemons and limes cost $9.99. So, for just over $30.00 I was able to bring some height to that area of the kitchen.

Now just to swap out the old toaster for a pretty new stainless steel one and I'll be all set. :)

What do you think?


Tracy said…
Looking Great, Ramona...Love the pretty yellow bread box!
Suzelle said…
LOVE it Mo. I agree with Tracy..that is a COOL bread box :)

Love your lemon and lime glass container :)
Susan said…
its perfect. I have one sort of like that only with a lid. Mine is full of lemons too and it always makes me smile.
I LOVE it all Mo! Your kitchen is amazing and beautiful!
I have that same metal bread box but it's green and I am getting ready to paint it aqua!
Come down to AZ and do my kitchen for me, you really know what you are doing!
Sue Thomas said…
It looks wonderful, Ramona!!!!
Reen said…
Nice kitchen makeover Mo! Hope all is well in the hood, hugs, reen

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