I Love Halloween!

I love halloween. I love making special treats. I love decorating the house and picking out costumes with the kiddos. It's such a fun time.

This year the weather somewhat cooperated. It was warm and misty most of the night. It started to rain pretty hard towards the end of the night. :(

My award for the best costume goes to these 2 adorable 12 or 13 yr old boys who dressed up as girls. They were wearing dresses and wigs and makeup and talked like girls. I wish I had something special to give to them. They deserved it. I just gave them extra candy. ;)

Here are some pictures of our Halloween.

Dylan was some scary creature. All the boys were wearing some sort of masked scary looking costume.

Natty was a pirate girl. Lucky for her it was 73 degrees outside. :)

Tombstone Brownies. YUM!

My cute little white chocolate mummy lollipops. :)

Until next year. :)


Tracy said…
Yummy looking treats! and those are some cute & spooky costumes on some cute kiddos too!!
Suzelle said…
FUN stuff Mo :)
Those treats are the cutest Mo!
Leslie said…
Oh and I meant to say that the kiddos look great! love their costumes!

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