Lawn Chairs

My first summer redo is my extra lawn furniture. We have a really nice patio set but when we have the entire family over we need extra chairs, etc. So, we just kept our old plastic set around for those occasions.

One day last week, while perusing the aisles of AC Moore armed with a 50% off coupon, I stumbled upon spray paint for plastic and thought why not. If it doesn't work, all I invested was about $3.00 and a few minutes of my time.

I bought it in espresso since it goes with my patio set.

So, yesterday, since we had a fabulous sunny day, I started with one chair.

Before my lawn furniture was a lovely faded green.

After two coats, I think it looks great. I am so impressed with the way this chair turned out that I am going to do the entire set.

What do you think?


Suzelle said…
LOVE it Mo !!! Great color :)
Tracy said…
I think the whole set of chairs. The new deep espresso is much nicer than the old 'lovely faded green'. :0)
Cheryl said…
They look awesome Mo!
Denise Gormish said…
Looks great! I need this for an old, dirty looking white plastic chair we have.
Susan said…
Mo!!! it looks awesome!!! I have a set of those in white.
Im itching for some kind of bright spot in a shady corner of my mostly green backyard....
I saw sunset magazine had some hot pink chairs in a shady corner...what do you think?
Like you said...nothing to loose.
Karen said…
Fabulous!!! I see a fun, summery pillow in it. :)
Samantha said…
Wow!! It looks great!
Jennifer said…
I can't believe how good that turned out. Can't wait to see more of your summer projects!
Hey, this is great. I've got some plastic drawer units I want to do this to..the chair looks great..Did it turn out to be a smooth finish?


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