Happy Pink Saturday!

I need some opinions? Soon it will be spring here in NY and that means wet soggy grass. Since I am a preschool teacher, we go out on the playground with the little ones everyday. So, I am in desperate need of some cute rain boots. A google search of pink adult rainboots came back with am ton of hits. I narrowed it down to these 4. WDYT?

How about these rain boots from Chooka? Cute and only $55.00. :)

Or these super cute DKNY boots? They are on sale for $99.95. :)

A conservative but colorful stripe by Dirty Laundry for only $39.95???

Or should I go totally fun and get boots with a pattern? These are by Kamik and only $49.95.

And what do you think about these as a replacement for the watermelon flip flops I posted a couple of pink Saturdays ago that Tory Burch no longer makes? I kinda like these even better as they are a wedge instead of just a flat flip flop.


The Chooka!
Anonymous said…
Wow, who knew? I don't see boots this colorful but they would certainly brighten one's day. As a preschool teacher you should go for it. The children will love them.

All the best, Lana
Anonymous said…
I love the boots. All of them. I would not want to spend 99.00 on rain boots. I would go for the most economical ones. But that's me. I have a similar pair like the striped pair and I do my gardening in them. LOL.

My name is Riet said…
I would buy the hot pink ones by DKNY Happy pink Saturday
Danette said…
I like the Chooka or the DKNY's (but I don't think I'd like the $99 price tag, but if you can swing it, go for it!) You will be the most stylin' preschool teacher around!
Anonymous said…
Love the Kamik rain boots and the wedge flip flops.Wonderful pinks!!
Happy Pink Saturday and have a lovely day...
JudyBug said…
love the striped boots!
Tracy said…
I vote for the pink flowered ones...I think if you are going for it...make it big!
Yankee said…
Love the Chooka, and you must get the flip flops.
Phase II said…
My vote is for the Chooka...I'm from NY as well and I know what you mean.
Deanna said…
Hi Mo!
making my way to the Pink Saturday girls that I couldn't get to. Wow, it has taken me three days to leave 147 comments but I didn't want to leave anyone out! This has been so much fun!

I love your Pink post! I have the DKNY boots! They are really eye openers!

Deanna :)
Elaine said…
I like the first boots. More versatile and not so trendy.

Nice to meet you, my first Pink Saturday.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I vote for the first pair. They are all FABU! And the flip flops are so cute!
Anonymous said…
Oh, Gosh... all of those boots were too darn cute. Fun. I like the DKNY ones especially!

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