Orange you Glad Friday Five

What’s your favorite orange-colored food? Carrots.
What’s the best way to drink orange juice? In a glass with ice.
Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best? Chuckles.
What are your feelings about orange soda? Hate it!
When did you last wear an orange item of clothing? This summer.

Thanks for playing!


Suzelle said…
1. What's your favorite orange-flavored food ? orange slices :)

2. What the best way to drink orange juice ? with vodka...haha :)

3. Which candy's orange pieces taste best ? see #1

4. What are your feelings about orange soda.....yuck !! Too sweet !!!

5. When did you last wear an orange item of clothing ? last Halloween
Anonymous said…
1.) An orange itself
2.) w/ eggs and toast
3.) candy corn
4.) love it!
5.) Wednesday

LOL Suz on #2! :O
Sue Thomas said…
What’s your favorite orange-colored food? Clementines

What’s the best way to drink orange juice? I like Suzelle's answer - or with Champagne!!!

Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best? Candy Corn - but only at Halloween!

What are your feelings about orange soda? I rmember liking it as a kid, but don't drink it now.

When did you last wear an orange item of clothing? Probably within the past week. I like orange!

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