Valentine's Day Treat Idea and a Tip

This Valentine's Day, offer loved ones homemade treats wrapped in paper that echoes your heartfelt sentiments. All you need to transform plain waxed paper into lovely gift wrap is some tissue paper, a heart-shaped craft punch, and an iron. Use the paper to wrap cakes, stacks of cookies, and other goodies. Then finish each package with some waxed twine and a colorful gift tag.

Fold a piece of tissue paper in half three times, forming eight layers. Using a heart-shaped craft punch, cut out hearts. Cover the surface of an ironing board with paper towels; place a sheet of waxed paper on top. Arrange hearts on waxed paper, and cover with another sheet of waxed paper. Cover with more paper towels. Run an iron, set to medium heat, lightly over the layers to set.

Organizing Tip of the Week:

A corkboard is handy for posting reminders, but it's often difficult to find a suitable spot for one on the wall. Instead, cut one to fit inside a door or a cabinet panel. Measure the dimensions of the space. With a straightedge and a box cutter, trim a piece of sheet cork (available in many hues at home-supply stores) to those dimensions. Affix cork to surface with nails.

I am so going to do this on the inside of my pantry door to hold school calendars and monthly lunch menus.


Anonymous said…
Nice Blog!
I'm in the midst of making one too.
Meantime, my website's
I know this doesn't "fit" for comments, but wanted to let you know that it's a nice site.
Georgina said…
Oh I love that idea. I'm gonna have to try that out! Thanks for sharing. ps. tag youre it! (see my blog for more details)
Susan said…
fun!I love the heart paper
Leslie said…
that heart paper is such a cute idea! I'll have to remember try that!
Suzelle said…
That is exactly what is on my pantry board with my calender, notes to me, school stuff....etc......always there for me to check !!!!
Jill said…
I like the idea of the board on the inside of the pantry door. I used to have the calendar and kids schedules posted there. Funny, I was going through stuff in the detached last week and opened the cupboard (our old cabinets are now in the detached...just in case...I might need them LOL) anyway, I opened up the door and saw the old choking chart I had taped in there. You never know when you'll have to perform the heimlich on someone! I supose I could let go of that, huh?

Love the tissue paper. Really cute!
Anonymous said…
So love that heart paper! Thanks for sharing!
FlipFlop Mom said…
OHHHHHHHHHHH GREAT tip!!!! I love it!! My home has TONS of doors... I'm going to try this!!
Anonymous said…
Love the valentine project. So simple and cute!

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