Happy Halloween (a day late)

I love this holiday. And, this year was a really fun one.

At preschool, the teachers are required to dress up. I donned kitty cat ears, a tail and even wiskers. I was a hit with all the little girls.

Then, I made these sweet tombstone cookies for Dylan's class party. (See photo above)

We even carved 4 pumpkins after school. First time they did them all by themselves. yay!

And, before trick-or-treating, we had a little photo shoot on the front lawn. The weather cooperated as well. It was a balmy 68 degrees!!!!!! :D

I hope you got lots of treats and no tricks this year! :)


cute cute costumes!!!!
and those cupcakes look so yummy!!!

I LOVE not having to help with pumpkins =)
Anonymous said…
So cute! Those costumes are GREAT!!! Love your cupcakes too.
Reen said…
You're kids looked awesome! Great job on the pumpkins too!
Suzelle said…
So, so cute Mo !!!!!
Susan said…
your cupcakes are soooo CUTE! and great costumes too!!!
Jill said…
Natty and Dylan looked great this year! Loved the Halloween pictures on the lawn with the fallen leaves...looks so fallish :)

Your cupcakes turned out adorable.

Cute pumpkin pictures too (I even saw your stoop...neener, neener!)
LOVE the costumes this year!!!!
But where is the picture of you in kitty ears???
Anonymous said…
You know I love the Star Wars them. Too bad we couldn't get all of the kids together. LOL. And the cupcakes are adorable! So glad you had a fun holiday.

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