Hi! Remember Me?

Tomorrow is my day off and I plan to use it for me. I'm hanging up my apron and calling in for pizza.

I need to scrap!!!

I need to upload the 100 or so photos on my camera!!!

I need to play catch up.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, DML is officially closing for good December 10th or so. There will not only be no more shopping but there will be no more website at all. I have been contemplating deleting my blog since nobody reads it anyway but now I'll have to keep it so my DML friends can keep track of my oh so exciting life. LOL!

And, since I hate to post without a photo, I'll share a card I made for Julia's (buzybunny) Scrapjazz sketch article. New BG Mellow. Sooo pretty! :)


Kayla said…
hey, i read your blog! :-) don't delete it!
Suzelle said…
darling cars !!!!!

I read it too Mo :)
Suzelle said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzelle said…
that should be "card"....der :)
Susan said…
Ive been contemplating deleting mine too, but had the same thought after Jill announced DML closing :(
At least we have the new board, but we do need the blogs to keep up with pics and creations!
love that fabric flower on your card!
Reen said…
tisk...tisk...you can't delete this blog! you know I do read it when i have some 'puter time. Not sure how else I would keep posted on the happenings of you and those cute kiddows of yours!

Anonymous said…
I read your blog so you better keep it up! I understand about being busy, though, so don't stress about it. As you've noticed, my blog has been neglected for the same reason!
~Denise said…
hey don't delete! I read, but I'm soooooooo bad about leaving comments. I enjoy catching up on you and love getting some good recipes!

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