Sleeping With the Enemy

Remember that movie? Ya know with Julia Roberts. She was married to a psycho that had all the cans lined up in neat little rows in the closets.

That was the first thing I thought of when I stepped back to admire my new neat pantry.

While I do have anal retentive tendencies. I really don't consider myself a psycho or anything. LOL!!!!

Ok. I have to finish up my dining room and get to filing those important papers you must save just in case......


Susan said…
wow! its a thing of beauty mo!!!!!!!!!! even lined up tallest to shortest.
good work, it looks amazing
Anonymous said…
Sleeping with the Enemy...haha !!!! It looks AWESOME !!!!!
Sue Thomas said…
I want a pantry that looks just like this, Ramona!!!! Fantastic work!!!!!
Georgina said…
oh thats so funny! did you see my post a while back - my pantry is exactly the same - all labels facing out in neat little lines.. PLUS I used my dymo labeler to label stuff in typpaware boxes!!! LOL
Anonymous said…
Is it sad that this has me a little excited? I keep my pantry the same exact way. Love it!!!!
and my pantry is the same too--- plus I like all the towels lined up perfectly..... haha!!!!!!

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