Cleaning Out

Spring Cleaning
Out with the Old

Whatever you want to call it, I've been doing it for about 3 weeks now and it feels GOOD!

Today we enlisted the help of the kiddos to tackle the playroom in the basement. We got rid of all that was broken, unloved or just plain outgrown.

I am happy to report that we threw out 3 bags of stuff.

I feel like I've lost about 10 lbs. ;)

Now, next Saturday I am cropping all day so this week as I am packing up for the crop. I am seriously going to weed thru my stuff and hopefully I can be as good about it as the kiddos were. :)

Wish me Luck!


Kristi Mangan said…
Oooh, I'm so jealous! I need to clean out and throw out very badly! I guess that will come eventually when my nesting phase appears! Good luck cropping next weekend!
Anonymous said…
Way to go Mo!!
I want to get more done also...still stuck in Drewie's room...
Anonymous said…
Good for you Mo !!!!! It is the best feeling :)

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