1st Day of School

So, the first day of school went off without a hitch. Backpacks filled with new supplies, forms all filled out and sent in, pictures taken for the scrapbooks and we were ready and waiting for the bus x2.

Yes, this year we are on 2 different buses with 2 different schedules. I was dreading this day. I thought it was going to be rough but I think it was actually smoother. I was able to get each one fed and ready alone. Yeah, I think I like the new schedule. :)

So now the fun begins. We are very busy during the school year with homework and activities. We start today with gymnastics for Dylan. I missed Natty's first class yesterday...ooops! I was just not even thinking about it because getting ready for school was on my mind. We'll just have to make it up at some point.

But, as long as I am on a schedule and make my lists and plan my meals all should be good. Ok. I'm off to go put some dinner in the crockpot.



Anonymous said…
They are too cute!
Shirley said…
Anonymous said…
awwwwww they are so cute all scrubbed up and wearing such happy smiles...school is hard on us moms I really think..kids just handle it so well!

Can't even imagine how it is with 2 or more...getting one ready is a challenge for me Mo...good luck on your new schedules!
Cassie said…
Wow, Dylan is really getting big! They are beautiful Mo!
Anonymous said…
Darling pics Mo :)

Here's to a GREAT school year !!!
Reen said…
are those the perfect scrapbook pictures or what?! sheez those are cute!

You'll be a pro at the new schedule in no time! You can do it!!
Anonymous said…
Look at that! They are way cute Mo!!! Glad things went well for you.
Susan said…
looks like they're happy to be headed back to school...darling pictures
Oscar T. Grouch said…
Why two schools and two buses? Just nosey I guess.

So cute.

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