
So, I know you've heard of birthdays but birthweeks?? It seems that's what my kiddos birthdays are turning into. Between the in-school celebration, family party, actual day of mini celebration and the friends party, we are celebrating their birthdays over an over again.

I don't ever remember that happening to me when I was little. Matter of fact, I hardly remember organized friend parties at all. :O

I bring this up because I am getting ready for the grand DD's friend party. We are beading necklaces at Michaels. FUN!

After this one tho, we are partyless for a loooooong time. And that's great cuz this Mommy is tired. ;)

Happy BirthWeek All! :D


Anonymous said…
seems like we have fallen into this pattern too, LOL. Have fun stringing necklaces at Michaels!!
Suzelle said…
Time have changed....we are the same way as well :)

Happy B-day Natty !!!
Stacy said…
LOL birth week...its so true though. ds's "birth week" was a party at home, a party for his friends at an indoor play center, to a evening of presents from Brent's parents...what an ordeal! Good luck this week Mo!!
Anonymous said…
As an adult who doesn't have kids yet, I prefer to have my birthday celebrated for at LEAST a week! : )Especially if it falls on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday--no cooking for me because it's my birthday weekEND!

Have fun making necklaces!

Anonymous said…
happy birth week!!!!!
Anonymous said…
amen sister!!

my Mom didn't have friend parties for me. haha - smart woman. we celebrated my birthday on the day and maybe a weekend with family. case closed...turn the page. =)

tell Natty to enjoy =)
Anonymous said…
Yep, we just had one of those too. Happy Birthday
Anonymous said…
Not anonymous... just me. :)
Anonymous said…
I think we should all have birth weeks! Let's do it!

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