Monday, Monday

First, the fun stuff, it's upload day at DML....

And, now for the mundane....


I dread making trips to the grocery store. It is the one chore/errand I could certainly do without. I love to cook and I love to eat even more so I can't quite understand my aversion to the grocery store. I mean, seriously, I avoid it til I can't anymore. Well, that time has arrived. I must grin and bear it. Off to the market I go. ;)



Reen said…
Lovely LO's Mo! You're such an awesome scrapper!

I feel the same way about the grocery store Mo, I DREAD it!! I've never been able to figure it out myself...cuz the produce guys are cute!!!
Anonymous said…
Cute LO's!
Suzelle said…
Your layouts are FAB :)))))

I am right there with ya on the grocery thing. It is up with going to the dentist for me..LOL !!!!
Susan said…
I feel the same about the grocery store...I don't get it cause I love to eat!
I love your stuff in IA this month - classic Mo! clean, classic but with a touch of that sense of humor thrown in to keep it fun.
Nikki said…
Beautiful layouts! :)
How I love to see pics of your little angel. Her gretat big eyes are so beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Mo, you are amazing with you work.
I hate going to the grocery store, too. I wish you could drive up and down the aisles.:)
~ RebekahBoo said…
MO, What a natural beauty your kiddo is. Wonderful LO's too, BTW. ~RebekahBoo
Robyn said…
Gorgeous layouts! Your blog is now going into my favorites!!!

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