San Diego Sunset

Well, actually Del Mar, but isn't it beautiful!? Do you see the surfer dude in the water? How cool is that!?

And my two cuties...


Suzelle said…
ahhhhh.......beautiful :)))) Your kids are so stinkin' cute !!!!
Reen said…
Now why would you EVER leave Cali? Awesome pictures, hope you'll come back soon. Miss you already! :)
Jes said…
beautiful! i wish i would have known sooner that you were coming out this way, we could have met up.... you were only 45 mins from me!

btw, meant to tell you.... seems your posts freeze up on me - like i'll be viewing the same post for 2 weeks, then all of a sudden, there are tons of new posts that you uploaded during that time, but i hadn't been able to see them.... is it me or is your blogger being funky?!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Kristi Mangan said…
Wow!!!!!!! Gorgeous pics Mo! LOVE them, looks like a beautiful place!!!!!
Anonymous said…
beautiful photos - Natty's got some bling in those ears!!!
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous sunset!!!

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